(357> Moses Wilson -- Born ca. 1761-63. Son of Molly <--->. Residing at Bull Run in 1774, at Virgo in 1784, and at Capricorn in 1789, 1791, and 1796. Named in 1791 deed of emancipation. Scheduled for emancipation in 1797. Received certificate of emancipation in January 1797. Sources: Deed of Emancipation, August 1, 1791, pt. 1, pp. 10, 26, and Pt. 2, pp. 10, 26, 51; "2d Book of Miscellanies," p. 109; Bull Run Crop Book "U W," December 13, 1774, Oatlands, PP. 21-22; Rody Petty to Robert Carter III, Derember 9, 1784, C.F.P., 1651-1861, Sect. 22 (Mssl C2468 8719-720), VHS; "List of Negroes to whom Certificates of Emancipation were delivered by Robert Carter," January 1797, Westmoreland County Court Papers, Box 83, VSA.
- 1761-1763 - Birth -
- Death - Y
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