<494 Ciller ("Silla") -- Born 1766. Parents unknown; wife
of Empe <--->; mother of Faddus <495>, James <059), and
Delia <560>. Residing at Cancer/Richmond in 1782(tithable). Sent from Dickerson's Mill back to
Cancer/Richmond in May 1785. Sent to Coles Point before
March 1787; residing there in 1788, 1790, and 1791. Not
named or scheduled in 1791 deed of emancipation. Fate
uncertain. Sources: Deed of Emancipation, August 1, 1791,
Pt. 2, PP. 6, 23, 44; 2d Book of Miscellanies," PP. 28, 93;
Letterbook, 1782-1784, p. 12; Nomony Hall Journal, 1784-
1785, p. 59; Nomony Hall Daybook, 1787-1788, p. 12; Nomony
Hall Daybook, 1788-1789, P. 47.
of Empe <--->; mother of Faddus <495>, James <059), and
Delia <560>. Residing at Cancer/Richmond in 1782(tithable). Sent from Dickerson's Mill back to
Cancer/Richmond in May 1785. Sent to Coles Point before
March 1787; residing there in 1788, 1790, and 1791. Not
named or scheduled in 1791 deed of emancipation. Fate
uncertain. Sources: Deed of Emancipation, August 1, 1791,
Pt. 2, PP. 6, 23, 44; 2d Book of Miscellanies," PP. 28, 93;
Letterbook, 1782-1784, p. 12; Nomony Hall Journal, 1784-
1785, p. 59; Nomony Hall Daybook, 1787-1788, p. 12; Nomony
Hall Daybook, 1788-1789, P. 47.
- 1766 - Birth -
- Death - Y
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